Recently, photos depicting an alleged UFO hovering near a food plot on a stretch of Texas hunting land made headlines, in addition to catching our eye here at the Gralien Report. After discussing the images here at the site, I invited anyone with similar photos to send them along, hoping maybe someone else had managed to capture the same sort of thing on film. That said, I recently received an email from a gentleman in Oregon who shared a series of photographs with me, similarly taken using a motion activated trail camera, in which he was startled to find a curious-looking anomaly (see below):
Below is a closeup of the object in question:
…And finally, the image below shows the same landscape during daylight hours for comparison:
Along with the photos sent, the individual also shared some basic information about the circumstances:
I have viewed this in zoom, negative and to be truthful, it sort of makes me wonder about what is really out there. I first thought they were Canada Geese night flying, but when I measured the distance between the light area’s, they are too identical to be Geese or any other sort of bird. I also noted that the object is “Between” the two sets of utility wires, eliminating the chance of a reflection off the wires. I am sending copies of the originals and the camera info and other pertinent information is still there. Please have your experts look at them and see if they can come up with an explanation.
I had initially been hopeful that an anomaly similar to the alleged UFO photographed recently in Texas–which, at present, remains unidentified–might have appeared. However, once I took a look at the images above, I wrote back to the gentleman in a correspondence earlier today about my take on the more recent “anomaly”:
This appears to be a moth or insect whose flight pattern and proximity to the lens, combined with the shutter speed on the camera being used, resulted in an image that displays several of the insect’s wingbeats cycling over the duration of its flight the instant the photograph was taken. There are a variety of websites that refer to this sort of anomaly as a “rod” (I’ve also heard the term “skyfish,” as these were once believed by some to be biological life forms that were presently unknown to science).
In fact, the Wikipedia article on Rods has a very detailed photograph, obtained using a long exposure, depicting moths swarming around an outdoor light, that details the same sort of thing. The photographer got back in touch with me after I forwarded this information along, and somewhat relieved, told me he’d just as soon prefer not to have any “anomalies” hovering around his trail cam airspace, though he joked that “bugs and bats are ok.” Truth be known, this is a very simple identification error, and even though most conventional photography can capture things the eyes can see also, the manner in which those things are represented on film might still cause even the best trained eye to wonder occasionally.
With hunting season only weeks away, I can’t help but wonder what other anomalies might show up in trail camera snapshots this year. Do you have an odd photograph taken by a motion camera that you can’t explain? If so, email them to us at Who knows… maybe you’ll be the next to capture images of a trail-cam UFO!

Its an insect, looks like what people called rods, turned out to be insects. Not a UFO,
Indeed Graham, this was my take on the object in question also (my commentary appears in italics in the post above).
Thanks for your comment!
it looks like one of those bugs or flying rods they call them. they are trying to determine what they are . Monster hunters did a special on them on history channel
Looks like a con trail from pulse jet.