Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- CONFIRMED: Flight AH5017 Crashes, Passing through “High Risk Flight Zone”
- Air Algerie Flight Disappeared From Radar Near Algerian Border
- Strange Hum In Monterery Bay Wasn’t Underground ET Base, But Toadfish’s Sex Call
- Mystery “UFO” Photographed Rising Into the Sky Over Lucknow
- Into the Abyss: Ancient “Sinkhole” Cave, Littered with Fossils, to be Excavated
- Will Searching for Alien Pollution on Other Planets Help Us Find ET Life?
- Ancient Protein-Building Enzymes Underwent Metamorphosis, Evolved Diverse Functions
- Inner Field, or Outer Limits? The Joy Of Six and Sports Ghost Stories
- Can This UFO Sighting Be Linked To Wiltshire Crop Circle?
- Dwarf’s Treasure? Ancient “Coin Hoard” Discovered in Cave
- These “magic” trees are said to produce 40 different types of fruit
- WIB: Mystery of the “Woman In Black” Spotted In Tennessee Continues
- The “Mystery” of the Ouija Board is Discussed by the Pacific Standard
- Chinese Lock Down City of 30,000 After Bubonic Plague Case is Confirmed
- Fantastically Wrong: The Strange Real-Life Origins of the Werewolf
- Tripping in the Rift: Will Virtual Reality Be the Next “Drug”?
- That’s Two Small Rocks From Space, Two Giant Lawsuits For Mankind
Thanks to Jonathan Wilson, Lindsay Morrison, Eileen Williams, and Kyle Philson for links in today’s roundup.

Hmph, in regard to the werewolf article, I am always amazed that someone can take one journal piece, written in 1909, no less, and write an article solving a mystery that has haunted mankind for generations. I certainly admit that Ms. Stewart’s work has some valid points and may explain some of the werewolf myth; however, I’ve read this article in my own research. It is not nearly comprehensive enough to even begin to ‘explain’ the vast body of werewolf/creature lore throughout the world.