Here are today’s headlines…
- Simulations May Back Up Theory that the Universe is a Hologram
- Carbon Calling: Curiosity has Discovered Organic Matter on Mars
- This Year in Space: Rosetta Mission’s Comet Landing Takes the Prize
- Back on Earth, ‘Amazing’ Rock Found In Russia Contains 1000’s Of Diamonds
- NASA finishes $349 million construction project… then “mothballs it”
- Nanotechnology to outer space: ten top tech innovations of 2014
- CIA, Secrecy, and Nukes: Why This Secret Film is Being Withheld
- Sony Cancels Plans To Release ‘The Interview’ On Christmas Day
- Elsewhere, China’s Controversial “Ray Gun” Inflicts Unbearable Pain
- Wisconsin fugitive’s secret life has victim’s family seeking answers
- Navy Develops ‘GhostSwimmer’ Drone That Looks Like a Shark
- Old Favorites: Conspiracy Theories of Bérenger Saunière & Rennes-le-Château
- An Interesting Article on 18 ‘Giant’ Skeletons Discovered in Wisconsin
- Can you live normally with half a brain? Arguably, many Americans already do…
- Face to Face: io9 Looks at the Psychology Behind Dueling
- Life-Saving Sniffers: 8 Unusual Scents that Dogs Can Detect
- Midweek LOLs: Cat is given title of “Most Awful Sleeping Face in Japan”
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.