Here are today’s headlines…
- How Creativity Drives Human Evolution
- This Photo of Earth Peeking Through Saturn’s Rings Is Giving Us All the Feels
- Saturn Moon Tethys’ Giant Canyon Snakes into Darkness in Cassini Photo
- Antarctica has a network of meltwater rivers that is much larger than previously thought
- Inside the Bizarre Life of the Star-Nosed Mole, World’s Fastest Eater
- He’s The Last Male Northern White Rhino On Earth, And He’s Now On Tinder
- He Was Searching For Intersexual Pigs And Ended Up Finding The World’s Rarest Dog
- MH370: independent experts mistrust ‘confidence’ about plane’s location
- Chobani Sues Alex Jones For Posting Vicious Fake News Stories
- The dark allure of conspiracy theories, explained by a psychologist
- CDC Still Stumped by Cause of Mystery Paralysis in Kids
- A guide to why your world is a hallucination
- Watch This Octopus Use Shells as a Shield
- Why I Take Fake Pills