During live CNN coverage of this weekend’s 2009 X-Conference, headed by Stephen Bassett and his Paradigm Research Group, leading activists in what has become known as the modern “exopolitical” movement were afforded some hefty mainstream exposure for a change. Bassett’s group, which aims to change government policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena, claims that since the 1950’s the United States government “has imposed a ‘truth embargo’ on any formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.” The PRG claims to possess confirmation of this, as evidenced by “a mountain of evidence compiled by hundreds of researchers over six decades.”

Now Bassett claims that wielding such evidence may bring UFO disclosure to the forefront of American (and global) politics. This weekend, he issued some remarkably bold statements while CNN’s cameras rolled, telling the audience “This is not a threat,” then joking that “you don’t threaten the United States government, they’re heavily armed.”

However, next he issued an ultimatum: “If disclosure has not taken place (by the end of May 2009), PRG has… a substantial network and quite a bit of documentary evidence connected to (UFOs); particularly politically, particularly to the Rockefeller initiative and the Clinton Administration, and we’re going to be extensively putting that out to the media. It’s going to make this is as difficult on them as possible.” Below is the direct link to Bassett’s statements from above:

Bassett’s Ultimatum

Expopolitics, in the sense that Bassett and others might consider it, isn’t described all-too-often on this blog, though I must admit that serious pushing for disclosure of anything UFO-related in such a way may (politically) be one of the most viable modern means of representing the field of Ufology. It seems that if headway is to be made, perhaps the issues must be required to extend beyond the demographic of fringe publications (like this one) and into the minds of the mainstream media of today.

Could such political activism result in that “ultimate disclosure” thing we’ve been waiting so long for?

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Author: Micah Hanks

Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, and podcaster. His interests include areas of history, science, archaeology, philosophy, and the study of anomalous phenomena in nature. He can be reached at info@micahhanks.com.

One Reply to “X-CONFERENCE 2009: A Greater Push For Disclosure?”

  1. What the disclosure groups are lacking are the ‘right words’.

    Someday, if Obama ever does move on disclosure, about the only thing I hear him relaying is something that sounds like, “We don’t have anything, as you already know since we haven’t kept records for blankity, blank years….”

    Those in the realm of disclosure should really change their tune when requesting disclosure to sound something more like they want ‘military disclosure’ of UFOs and not so much ‘government disclosure’ of UFOs since government disclosure sounds more like something that would come from politicians or filing cabinets.

    I say this because come that day, Obama will only be told what the military feels he needs to know and nothing more.

    If everyone were to begin using the terminology ‘military disclosure of UFOs’, then it would make more sense to Obama and that’s when he would know to go deeper into it with the military and not simply depend on his advisers that would normally handle it for him.

    I hope I made sense, I’m cloudy headed today with an oncoming cold.

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