It has been one of the most prevalent themes in science fiction literature and film for decades: alien beings intent on destruction and takeover of the Earth and its inhabitants arrive and wage total war on the planet, blasting us with laser beams, and flying advanced aircraft capable of out-maneuvering the fastest jets. Obviously, the looming threat of a hostile alien takeover is something that remains in the forefront of the collective paranoia of those willing to ask “what if?”
Fortunately, in most instances when this occurs, mankind somehow manages to outsmart the evil alien menace… in films, at least. Take for example Independence Day, where our curiously under-equipped military here on Terra Firma finds the Achilles Heel of ginormous saucer craft that traveled all this way just to leave their backdoor open, vulnerable for a shoot-down. The Day The Earth Stood Still, originally having dealt with an alien which traveled to Earth on a “goodwill mission” was revised in 2008 to have its alien visitor Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) decide animal life on our planet is to be collected Noah’s Ark-style, before humans are destroyed for their warlike tendencies. This is prevented with moments to spare, after Klaatu arrives at the decision that there are hopeful virtues that still exist among our species. Elsewhere, War of the Worlds sees the alien menace gaining an upper hand against Earth, only to end with H.G Wells’ aliens falling victim to terrestrial bacterial ailments and dying.
What is often overlooked about Wells’ story, however, is that there had been an alternative ending he had toyed with, in which humanity was driven underground in an effort to escape the alien assailants, waiting for an opportunity to launch an uprising against the unwelcome guests squatting on the surface. Indeed, we must wonder whether, if there were ever to be an actual alien invasion, how likely Earthlings would be able to defend against it, and whether we’d even be as lucky as those in the other plot line Wells had considered. On the other hand, would we know it if an alien “invasion” of sorts were even occurring?
This, granted, deals with the presupposition that an alien invasion is likely at all, which in itself brings to mind some unique questions. Many who have come and gone have taken the famous Drake Equation, named for astronomer Frank Drake, as evidence for the possibility that alien life likely exists elsewhere in our galaxy; it has also been used to justify the likelihood that a civilization might destroy itself before it ever harnessed the capabilities needed for advanced communication or travel into deep space. One proponent of this view was astronomer Carl Sagan, who speculated whether civilizations could in fact avoid self-destruction. According to Wikipedia, “in Sagan’s case, the Drake equation was a strong motivating factor for his interest in environmental issues and his efforts to warn against the dangers of nuclear warfare.”
When it comes to the Drake Equation, the aforementioned influences remain something we must keep in mind today; since its genesis, the equation’s most popularized interpretation by scientists like Sagan occurred during the Cold War era. Thus, theories involving life elsewhere in space were justified accordingly. At the time, it felt as though Earth had teetered on the very brink of launching a global assault, pitting the largest superpowers against one another. True, this could still occur today; look at the tremendous concern that exists pertaining to Iran’s desire to foster a nuclear program, which has led to economic sanctions against them by UN countries such as the United States and Russia, having been bitter Cold War enemies, now with hope of working together to ensure peaceful relations. Nuclear war isn’t something we can cast aside and forget all about, but perhaps, having made it this far, it isn’t inevitable, either. Applying this logic to distant worlds and the civilizations that could occupy them, perhaps other societies have managed to coexist even better than humans; but what factors might govern their success as a species?
Let’s take a moment to consider a hypothetical situation, where life begins to develop on a planet distant from ours with an exterior that is primarily rocky. Although there is plant life capable of sustaining an insect population and that of creatures resembling mammals (keep in mind, this isn’t Earth we’re talking about), the rocky landscape, along with the heat these stones collect from the nearby suns, create a fitting environment for reptilian creatures to thrive. After eons of existing as the dominant species, these reptiles forge ahead and begin to harness intelligence. How would these reptile-like creatures behave? Would they likely be humanoids? How large would they be, and would these factors be dependent on the size of their home planet, as well as the resulting gravitational forces exerted on its inhabitants? Consider the behavior of reptiles here on Earth, as well as the similar base-instincts that certain aspects of the human mind maintains, which resulted in their labeling as the “reptilian complex” of the triune brain. Would these reptile creatures, with their penchant for violence and dominion over other life forms (and presumably their own kind), be likely to exist for long as an advanced race before destroying themselves? In this instance, perhaps the likelihood of an alien race of reptilian monstrosities existing long enough for evolution to bring about a civilized society and, thus, cooperation needed for advancement to things like science and space travel, would seem unlikely.
Let’s take another example, this time supposing that insects emerge on a distant planet as the predominant species. There are several types, ranging from weird mantis-like creatures, which, although capable of a stoic sort of “wisdom” on a bug-basis, never manage to escape their proprietary feeding tendencies, remaining lone-wolves that come and go, capturing prey and feasting. There are spider-like entities, which, though capable of maintaining a large breeding population, remain primitive due to the female’s tendency to bite the heads off of the male as they emerge from the throes of passion, feasting on his remains or using them to provide food for her young. But what if bees–or insect creatures resembling bees–with their desire to feed on available plant life, as well as their propensity for constructing elaborate, cellular abodes in the form of hives, were to evolve from this sort of communal cooperation into a species harboring intelligence?
Following this species of “beeople,” let’s assume the path of evolution leads them to harnessing intelligence and sophistication, and eventually advanced technology. Would the so-called “hive mentality” create an overpowering sense of union among their own kind, outweighing the kinds of cultural destruction prevalent among different societies here on Earth? Furthermore, would these beings be more likely to advance as a species, and at a faster rate from working together, rather than attempting to stifle the activities of another “colony”? In spite of their own evolutionary tendencies that were so conducive to their advancement as a species, could this sort of mentality also be detrimental to another intelligent species if, for instance, these aliens ever traveled here?
It would be interesting to consider whether the presence of this speculative race of “beeople” here would resemble a hostile takeover to us. What if, according to their perspective, they were merely interested in “harvesting” resources from our planet–and potentially its occupants–in an effort to thrive based on this “hive” instinct? When compared alongside various aspects of alleged alien activity here on Earth (i.e. abduction accounts, cattle mutilations, etc), there are certainly factors that seem to work harmoniously with the notion of a disassociated, hive-like race of beings that seem more intent on taking advantage of humans and Earth’s resources, rather than communicating and having interaction with us. In such a scenario, we might even liken potential alien visitors and their motives to wildlife resource management teams, which would hope to control breeding populations of animals like deer–often for their own health’s sake–but no less with the knowledge that some people will “harvest” these creatures for food and other resources.
When considering the vast possibilities that would shape the motives and morals of an alien species, it is difficult to say whether invasion of planet Earth is something we’d likely see at the hands of strange guests from elsewhere. More importantly, trying to define “invasion” correctly would also be a factor, since what humanity might perceive as a takeover could be viewed by aliens on the other end as a controlled, even caring effort to micro-manage species here on Earth… to the benefit of both parties. Even stranger is the notion that a sort of “symbiosis” might occur in this way; but what if it were occurring right now? After all, very few are the dogs or cats kept by a loving owner who ever question their inherent captivity; if humans were being held in such a prisonless, symbiotic “captivity,” would we be able to perceive it any better?
Editor’s Note: Special thanks to GR reader “deadpossum” for pointing out previous confusion between H.G. Wells and Orson Welles.

Ah. I do so love this kind of speculation. When thinking about the “other”, one is forced to look at our own preconceptions of intelligence, technology, and civilization.
Your reference to “bee people” reminded me of an episode of that campy but wonderful TV series of the 1960s, The Time Tunnel, in which such a society was portrayed
If you believe the Leeds Point News there
Thanks for the interesting info! A few points, however: I can’t find anything about The Leeds Point News anywhere online, nor anything about a Y.B. Adamski. Also, I noticed the excerpt above refers to a small locale near the Pine Barrens called “Ong’s Hat.” This town (in reality a tiny outpost referred to as a “ghost town,” but more correctly defined as small abandoned settlement) was apparently still included on maps until a few years ago. However, I found this interesting tidbit about the location on Wikipedia:
“As a long-abandoned small settlement, Ong’s Hat remained obscure until its name and location was co-opted in a book called Ong’s Hat: The Beginning by Joseph Matheny, which was based on stories that had circulated on computer bulletin boards which held that a cult of outcast scientists opened an interdimensional gateway in Ong’s Hat. Matheny was not clear as to whether his book was intended as fact or fiction.”
Striking resemblance to the article above, eh? Does this tie the piece in with Matheny’s book? From this perspective, whether or not there is an association between the two, in my estimation it still looks to be some kind of viral marketing campaign, etc. Althea, if you have any more info about the story, maybe you could email me at Thanks!
With the stuff about alien involvement with Government and Military, and the alleged expose’ of refinement of alien technology, and the Biblical passage stating “…and the devil, seeing he was cast to earth, went down as a roaring lion, seeking he whom he may devour. And the Koran stating “Man and djinn, go into space, but with authority”. And the ” Sons of God, seeing the daughters of men were comely, came down and took as many as the wanted, and had children by them”. (This from Genesis, and it happened before the Flood”.
And passages from Holy books indicating that God is the landlord, and our way of running and ruining things will be manifest to us and appropriate action will be taken to reverse the process. Our human scientific understanding can delve into fantasy and theory about creatures from the heavens, but what seems most likely to me is a conflict from appropriate and less appropriate forces combining among themselves and through ourselves that will culminate in the advancement of the Kingdom of the Universal Landlord.
I had assumed that the original article was merely a rainbow-frequency recruiting beacon until I began to notice multiple levels of coded references. It also appears to be a covert communiqu
Hard to say, Lewis. By the way, are you any relation to the Lewis N. Wolff (two “f’s”) who specializes in real estate and sports franchises?
Interesting to hear about Planet Lurus, also. Where is that located? I like the Southern Coast this time of year myself… there is, however, a natural feature in the Indonesian Islands called Mount Lurus. Best I can figure, in this context it means, roughly translated, “The Straight Mountain.”
Interesting that you already deleted my comment, but thanks for the correction.
I believer that your questions regarding beeople were answered quite effectively by Orson Scott Card in his early Ender’s Game novels.
The hive culture in those stories came into conflict with us just as one hive might (or more aptly in the story, ant hill) encounter another and push into it’s territory looking to expand it’s resource base.
Unfortunately, only the Queen was sentient and her drones merely animal extensions of her will. Her inabilty to see individual humans on par with herself led to great death and destruction.
Our differing paradigms and lack of mutual perspective may in the end force conflict on us.
Let us hope that lactating mammilian brachiators are more common in the universe than reptillian or insectoid species.
Jim Keith exposed H.G. Well’s plan for a World Brain which he promoted to the International Institute for Royal Affairs, latter expanding to the Council on Foreign Relations. Wells was head of secret intelligence in the U.K., working for the Rhodes Round Table.
So then H.G. Well’s World Brain was picked up by CIA mind controller Andrija Puharich for his Stargate Conspiracy promotions, whereby he was channeling extraterrestrials (read Prince and Picknett’s classic “The Stargate Conspiracy” — or Philip Coppens online material on it as he was their researcher for the book).
So then Andrija Puharich was the secret collaborator for a U.N. Princeton Institute for Advanced Study collaboration with the Theosophists — through the World Institute, set up by LBJ Freemason. The new age was spawned out of this project — specifically their academic journal Main Currents in Modern Thought which had the goal to integrate all science disciplines for a secret theosophist plan — Jose Arguelles, Ervin Laszlo were two prominent authors in the journal.
Anyway their manifesto book was the Actual Matrix Plan based directly on H.G. Well’s World Brain concept and this plan was even vetted by Einstein as the best applied superstring model based on a concept called the “music logarithmic spiral.” I exposed this back in 2001 online — — the Actual Matrix Plan.
So the idea is that Earth is the new Egg and each humans is a neuron — the Egg feeds off the gastrula (humans and the biosphere) to create a new Matrix world brain — which is guided by extraterrestrials as superconducting “psi-plasma” holograph energy. Again this was cowritten by CIA extraterrestrial channeler, mind controller Dr. Andrija Puharich and the book regularly uses the term the Matrix. The book was published back in the late 60s and mid 70s — there was an earlier version, first by Professor Oliver L. Reiser, who also published in the U.N.’s Sri Aurobindo ashram journal (also with the goal of transforming the whole planet by channeling and bringing down heavenly shakti energy as the Supermind).
Specialization is for insectoids. Localization is for quantoids. PLANET LURUS is a Latinoid artifact of a Latinate permutation. A Hebraic riddle for you, MICAH: How is the question
Micah, I heard all about the Jersey devil and cults in the Pine Barrens. The pineys aren
Did no one read ‘Dies the Fire’ by S.M. Stirling? Those ‘benevolent’ aliens just doomed 90% of the human race to death as their machines, communications, and societies collapsed.
No advanced/indigenous contact has gone well for the indigenous people. The most altruistic aliens will inevitably lead to our death and the end of our civilization. All for our own good.
Drew: Until your last comment, I didn’t know Andrija Puharich had worked for the CIA! I remember the fascinating episode of the One Step Beyond however, which featured Puharich discussing psychedelic mushrooms (bless him, he certainly didn’t seem to be the most comfortable fellow on camera; you can view the episode on youtube by following the link below):
Lewis: I find your commentary delightfully fascinating, and an excellent opportunity for my brain to engage in psychic jumping-jacks. So far as the Hebraic riddle you posit, “Who is like God,” in Hebrew this would have to be “My Kmo Alohim” instead… or for the Latinoids among us who may be ruminating over it, “Quis ut Deus,” thus invoking the words spoken by the Archangel Michael as he smote Satan. In Hebrew, my name “Micah” means the very same, of course… but how is this question itself like life? I think that’s a matter of perspective; apparently Satan felt he might qualify at one point, and Michael “corrected” that sentiment by thrusting a sword through into him. Apage Satanus, Auxilio ab alto… On the other hand, since it was Michael himself whose name bore the meaning of the question, we can only assume which of the two of them probably had it right. 😉 As for the great deceiver getting it wrong… well, that’s life, I guess! Hence, my answer materializes from the mists of rhetoric.
And as for me–also bearing a name that poses the riddle in question–perhaps this merely explains my own bothersome superiority complex… but I digress (though in honest jest).
Althea: bless your tired little wrists for taking time to type that entire article for us! I notice it mentions the Termite Journal near it’s conclusion… perhaps some of the odd (potentially coded) wording within is intended to garner the attention of those members of elite High-IQ societies which Termite’s interests cater to.
Don: I haven’t read “Dies the Fire,” and although I hope you’re wrong about advanced/indigenous contact, looking at human interaction with primitive societies here on Terra Firma doesn’t paint a very hopeful picture for us. However, we must keep in mind that this is a humanistic perspective, pairing humans against humans; with all their differences, in such circumstances the separate parties are nonetheless only human.
Ad astra, ad absurdum…
There are two ‘notable’ people named Adamski related to UFO phenomena, according to wikipedia:
I recognize the Adamski name — apparently, George Adamski was one of the people involved in the 1950s (re)surgence of sightings of the ‘aryan space brother’ type. The deal with Ong’s Hat and the Pine Barrens in association with a community of scientists REEKS of Matheny’s project, though, which was infictive (it mixed fact with fiction in such a way that makes it difficult to figure out which is which). Note also that Matheny’s project with the Ong’s Hat storyline was virally marketed for quite a while, essentially by trying to pass it off as fact. So, before trusting the Leeds article, check your sources and make sure that it’s not simply taking part of the Ong’s Hat mythos as truth.