They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but sometimes it seems that bizarre-looking science fiction ideals sometimes instill in the minds of engineers a desire to build foreign looking “space-age” aircraft, among other things. In keeping with man’s fascination with the classic saucer-shaped UFO design, Ananova reported today that China has designed and built a new flying saucer prototype, sporting a remote-controlled interface making it capable of hovering at up to 3200 feet:
New Chinese Flying Saucer Design
Designed by Harbin Smart Special Aerocraft Company, the craft (resembling an emergency flotation device with its cuddly, “rubber-ducky-like” yellow and red color scheme) was designed for aerial photography, geological surveys, controlling forest fires and creating emergency lighting for high-rise building rescues and other special operations.
This is merely one of two Chinese designs for conventional craft resembling UFOs which has been discussed in recent months on this blog. Click the link below to read about an earlier Chinese design, as well as a well-crafted American “flying bunt-pan”, that made recent news:
Home Grown Saucers: The Great Flying Bundt-pans of Tomorrow