Here we are again; The Gralien Report brings you the latest on the worldwide obsession with building flying saucers, this time in the UK as reported by The Register:
GFS Projects of Peterborough was registered in 2002, following early efforts by former hovercraft engineer Geoff Hatton to develop a working “flying saucer” aircraft based on the Coanda effect. (GFS stands for Geoff’s Flying Saucers.) The Reg spoke to GFS marketing chief Mark Broughton this morning, who gave us a run-through on the “Fenstar 50” autonomous unmanned saucer which the company hopes to have flying in the first half of next year.
The little saucer was displayed as part of “Team MIRA” at a recent event hosted by the British Ministry of Defense, called the “MoD ‘Grand Challenge’ ambush-sniffing tech contest.”

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