This week on The Gralien Report, we are joined by Danny Robins, host of the Haunted podcast, which looks at real-life cases of hauntings. Danny has done a fine job producing an inquisitive and deeply investigative series, which looks at hauntings in an objective manner, asking questions like, “Do ghosts exist? And if not, why do we see them?” How can we reconcile the paradigms of belief and skepticism, when it comes to traditional belief in a subject that science says does not exist?

Danny Robins, host of Haunted

In other topics discussed on this edition of the program, while researchers are in pursuit of meteorite fragments from a recent Michigan incident, how did a dog walker stumble onto a grisly Iron Age mystery? And speaking of dogs, a mystery surrounds the dog who recently was found to have traveled 113 miles on a train, even changing trains at Manchester before arriving at his final destination. Is man’s best friend also a frequent traveler, or did he get a little help along the way?

We also cover the weirdness of “alternate sleep patterns,” which reminds us of the odd story about the boy who stayed awake for 11 days. While he initially wanted to see what effects insomnia had on paranormal abilities, he went on discover something else… and set a world record for staying awake. 

We explore all this, and more, on this week’s edition of The Gralien Report.

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Author: Micah Hanks

Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, and podcaster. His interests include areas of history, science, archaeology, philosophy, and the study of anomalous phenomena in nature. He can be reached at

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