Here are today’s headlines…
- Ig Nobel science awards recognise scientist who lived as a goat
- Stephen Hawking is still afraid of aliens
- How satellites are helping decode human-caused earthquakes
- China’s ‘Heavenly Palace’ Tiangong-1 Space Station crashing back to Earth in 2017
- ‘Shadow Person’ ghost photograph taken at ‘haunted’ Annison’s funeral parlor in Hull
- Four NASA satellites set record for flying in formation in space
- Strange but true: Pigeons are no bird brains
- UFO sightings: Long Island seems to be a favorite hotspot of aliens
- Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Hawking, Yuri Milner launch $100M search for alien life
- Mysterious ‘lost’ street with tiny homes and secret tunnels discovered under town
- Strange discovery: Devil Frog vomits out new ant species
- Mysterious winged creature still hunted in small Iowan town