Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Wanna Take A Ride? How $10 Could Get You To The Moon
- Meanwhile, NASA is trying on space suits… for an eventual Mars mission
- And aboard the ISS, NASA is installing an espresso maker for astronauts
- Unicode Conspiracy? A Surprising Addition Winks At UFOlogists
- Arizona Witness Reports Encounter with Rectangular Object Flying Over House
- World Cup: Dream Told John Brooks He Would Score USA Winner Against Ghana
- Glowing Mudskippers And Flashlight Frogs: Two Bioluminescent Mystery Beasts?
- Who needs personal assistants when you can have a personal drone buzzing around?
- Wait But Why: 13 Theories of Whether We Are We Alone In The Universe
- Hitler’s plan to bring back historic beasts from the dead… to hunt
- Could a cure for cancer involve a genetic switch?
- Congratulations ma’am… it’s a lizard
Thanks to Kyle Philson and Mark Brady for links in today’s roundup.