Here are today’s headlines…
- Jupiter, and Beyond the Infinite: Juno switched to autopilot mode for Jupiter final approach
- Opal stone found in Meteorite recovered from Antarctica reveal asteroids brought water to Earth
- Over 100 Nobel Laureates Urge Greenpeace To Stick To Science, End GMO-Bashing
- Antarctic ozone layer is gradually healing, researchers have found
- Nonstop Flight: How The Frigatebird Can Soar For Weeks Without Stopping
- Scientocracy? Here’s Why Neil deGrass Tyson’s Government Won’t Work
- Bogus: keletal remains of Loch Ness Monster ‘wash ashore,’ have Scots buzzing
- Leaked Document Purportedly Reveals Info On Crashed “Outer Space Vehicle”
- Tesla Autopilot death highlights autonomous driving risks
- Bizarre Mars ‘Ripples’ Offer Window into Red Planet’s Past
- Dry Amazon Could See Record Fire Season
- ‘Pronoia’ and other emotions you never knew you had