Here are today’s headlines…
- Here’s What a 55000-Year-Old Skull Teaches Us About Human Migration
- Doomsday 6000 BC: An Archaeological Mystery in Ireland Remains a Curiosity
- Malaysia Airlines MH370 Crash Ruled an Accident for Insurance Claims
- Space probe successfully launched directly into Aurora Borealis: Now what?
- Micah Offers More Commentary on “Media Bias” Against ESP Research
- Rare Sierra Nevada Red Fox Sighted In Yosemite National Park
- Mysterious nebula revealed in new image: ‘Mouth of the Beast’
- Newly Discovered Dinosaur Had Neck Half The Length Of Its Body
- KGRA is Mentioned in USA TODAY Article Focusing on Wacky Superbowl Theories
- NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars a Hoax? Theories Point to ‘Mystery Shadow’ in Image
- Strangle, ultra-thin spider webs in U.K. can use electricity to immobilize prey
- Alejandro Rojas: UFO Buzzed French Nuclear Power Plant, Says Director
- There Goes the Neighborhood: Bigfoot Turns up in Brooklyn
- Beer Compound Could Protect Brain Cells From Damage