Here are today’s headlines…
- Mysterious ‘Fast Radio Burst’ Pinpointed for First Time
- This Google AI Can Figure Out Where Almost Any Photo Was Taken
- ‘Why I Cried When the Detection of Gravitational Waves Was Announced’
- Google’s Atlas robot stars in new video – It gets knocked down, it gets up again
- Return of “The Whistler”: Mystery Deepens in Oregon Town
- The Rumbling Below: Strange Sounds of “Engine Noise” From Underground
- Secret UFO files ‘prove Britain’s biggest alien sighting was real’, says US naval officer
- Study: Ocean acidification already slowing coral reef growth
- New Interactive Gameplay Experience Launches At Kennedy Space Center
- Scientists challenge NOAA’s conclusion, say global warming slowdown is there
- Snake Island: Massachusetts to Set Up Rattlesnake Reserve
- Odd Reports Detail Massive “Mystery Blimps” Over SoCal
- Moon Music: So what did the Apollo 10 astronauts ‘really’ hear?
- Runaway ‘Unicorn’ Leads Police On A 4-Hour Chase
- Take time to stop and smell the UFOs…