Here are today’s headlines…
- Japan probe orbits Venus as NASA sends back images of Kuiper Belt object
- NASA plans to ‘move out’ of the ISS on its way to the Moon
- Coffee Now Served (In Real Cups!) On the Space Station
- Oldest Neanderthal DNA Found in Italian Skeleton
- This Newly Discovered Virus Lives in Half the World’s Population
- 45th Space Wing supports NASA’s Orbital ATK CRS-4 launch
- San Bernadino Killers Were Long Radicalized, F.B.I. Investigators Say
- A Whale Sculpture in Paris Aims to Help Save Some Species
- Sometimes It’s OK to Give Patients a Treatment With No Proven Medical Benefits
- A Life Size 3D Sasquatch Skeleton Shines Light on Sasquatch Posture
- Thunder-Thighed Dinosaurs Arose Quickly from Predecessors
- Pluto Probe Snaps Record-Breaking Photos of Frigid, Faraway Object
- Proof NASA edits out UFOs? What Gary McKinnon found on 2-year hack spree
- Beijing’s First-Ever Pollution ‘Red Alert’ Was Long Overdue
- The case of the missing Chinese investment bankers
- Is Luke Skywalker Falling to the Dark Side?