Here are today’s headlines…
- Tornado Outbreaks Are On The Rise, And Scientists Don’t Know Why
- Environmental Group Offers $1000 Reward If You Can Solve Mystery Sheen on Potomac
- Buzz Aldrin all smiles after medical evacuation from South Pole
- Russian Space Cargo Ship Destroyed in Failed Launch, Debris Burns Up
- Four New Names Officially Added to the Periodic Table of ElementsÂ
- Keeping the “X” in Xmas: it’s not some secular conspiracy
- Video: Shiny object in Houston sky has UFO hunters jumping for joy
- Claim: Welder At Roswell UFO Crash Site Saw Two Dead Aliens Inside Saucer
- This genius map explains how everything in physics is connected
- In earthquake country, threat always looms in the background
- Milbank: Trump believes ‘Infowars’ wing-nut conspiracy theory site