Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Reddit users share their “glitch in the Matrix” stories
- Dozens hospitalized in Las Vegas due to mystery illness
- Mathematical crime-fighter helps hunt for alien worlds
- Found! First Known Predator To Lure Prey By Mimicking Flowers
- Ron Burgundy fills in during live news broadcast
- Child taken from woman’s womb by social workers
- New Cat Species Realized For Brazil, at CryptoZooNews
- The Waffle Rock: What the Heck Is It?

Child Taken From the Womb, etc. There’s probably more to this story than is being reported for its pure sensational and scare headline value. If the woman was threatening to kill the unborn child or behaving in ways meant to intentionally harm or kill the fetus (especially if it had reached the stage in the pregnancy where it was viable outside her womb), it could well have been done for the welfare of the unborn child. If she’s still threatening to harm the child in some way or hasn’t shown herself to no longer be a danger to the child, then yes, social services would be acting within its scope in keeping the child protected from her. With all British and US tabloids, the shrieking headlines are merely meant to titillate or enrage and usually have nothing to do with the truth.